Upcoming events

Health and Education
to Feb 27

Health and Education

Health practitioners work alongside Phoenix Initiative educators towards fostering spirit-led community. In February, the health practitioners will visit Phoenix Initiative classes to contribute to child observations and studies, a culture of care and salutogenic practices, and be available for private therapeutic consultations.

Parents are encouraged to join the “meet and greet”
on Monday February 10th 9-10am.

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Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment
to Feb 20

Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment

Mantles of Care Workshop Retreat
Warmth and Enfoldment
Monday - Thursday

Across this 4-day workshop, adults who are parenting or educating primary school children are provided experiences of mantles of care, time to create care items with wool and silk for a family or classroom kit, and principles towards understanding and supporting health.

The workshop complements the Developing the Self Developing the World Mantles of Care Program in classrooms aimed at supporting a culture of caring for self and others. We work with educators and children to refine daily hygiene practices for harmonising the ability to be attentive, self regulate and maintain healthy relationships.

Extended tutoring is available for class teachers to apply mantles of care in the classroom to support learning enrichment for individual students or towards bringing mantles of care to class groups within a curriculum.

4 Days : US$475/person

Includes quality care items for a care kit,
homemade morning tea and lunch

Please direct questions to Developing the Self Developing the World
And for registration email: Phoenix Initiative

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   Supported rest for parents and caregivers.          Sliding Scale $30 - $50     held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm  For more information or to sign up email: elsagphoenix@protonmail.com

Untitled Event

Supported rest for parents and caregivers.

Sliding Scale $30 - $50

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: elsagphoenix@protonmail.com

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Holiday Fair

Holiday Fair

Join us for our Holiday Fair. This is a family centered event with crafts for children, a puppet show, gift vendors nourishing refreshments and live music.

Plan to bring cash or checks with you! The cell reception at Mettabee for credit card processing is limited and sometimes not available.

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Supported Rest Clinic

Supported Rest Clinic

Supported rest for parents and caregivers.

Sliding Scale $15 - $50

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: elsagphoenix@protonmail.com

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Supported Rest Clinic

Supported Rest Clinic

Supported rest for parents and caregivers.

Sliding Scale $15 - $50

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: elsagphoenix@protonmail.com

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Pathways of Love
to Aug 25

Pathways of Love



Saturday August 24th 9am - Sunday August 25th 3pm

This retreat is offered by the Phoenix Initiative teachers in partnership with EduCareDo.

What capacities do children need to face the unknown future? How can we support the growth and development of these capacities within education in our homes and classrooms?

Creativity, flexibility, steadfastness, loving warmth, peace, and equilibrium are some of the necessary soul-spiritual capacities that require strengthening within us in our roles as parents and educators.

Over the course of the retreat, we will share in questions, discussion and experiences that support and nourish our soul-spiritual work with children as we grow and develop alongside them.

Morning Session
Lunch (provided)
Afternoon Session/Supported Rest
Dinner (provided)
Evening session

Morning Session
Lunch (provided)
Closing Session

Onsite lodging available for an additional cost. Tent camping also available onsite.

Cost: $125 USD (~$185 AUD)

This retreat is offered as an Extension of EduCareDo's year long course Spirit-led Education For a Spirit-led Life, hosted and supported by the Phoenix Initiative. All participants will receive a lesson from the year long course as pre-reading: The Art of Teaching by Meaghan Witri.

Retreat Facilitators
Meaghan Witri (EduCareDo course contributor and Phoenix Initiative Founder and Teacher)
Elsa Gomez (Phoenix Initiative Teacher)
Cara Stone (Phoenix Initiative Teacher)
Séamus Maynard (EduCareDo course contributor and Phoenix Initiative Teacher)

Onsite lodging available. Please book in advance (phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com). Tent camping also available onsite.

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Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

This is a monthly opportunity offered as a continuation of this year’ Winter Parent Retreat: Parenting In Presence - Building Hope for the Future.

Community Based

Sliding Scale $15 - $30

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com text or call: 845-270-1744

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Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

This is a monthly opportunity offered as a continuation of this year’s Winter Parent Retreat: Parenting In Presence - Building Hope for the Future.

Community Based

Sliding Scale $15 - $30

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com text or call: 845-270-1744

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Inner Development Parent Circle

Inner Development Parent Circle

Creativity, flexibility, steadfastness, loving warmth, peace, and equilibrium are some of the necessary soul-spiritual capacities that require strengthening in our roles as parents and caregivers. In our community circle, we will work with practices that support the development of these capacities and share in the experiences of growing together alongside our children. Please join us!

at Mettabee Farm with Ms. Meaghan

All are welcome

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Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

This is a monthly opportunity offered as a continuation of this year’ Winter Parent Retreat: Parenting In Presence - Building Hope for the Future.

Community Based

Sliding Scale $15 - $30

Open to all

First Sunday of every month

1 hour time slots available

March 3 - from 9am-12pm April 7 - from 9am-12pm May 5 - from 9am-12pm

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com text or call: 845-270-1744

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Inner Development Parent Circle

Inner Development Parent Circle

Creativity, flexibility, steadfastness, loving warmth, peace, and equilibrium are some of the necessary soul-spiritual capacities that require strengthening in our roles as parents and caregivers. In our community circle, we will work with practices that support the development of these capacities and share in the experiences of growing together alongside our children. Please join us!

at Mettabee Farm with Ms. Meaghan

All are welcome

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Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

This is a monthly opportunity offered as a continuation of this year’ Winter Parent Retreat: Parenting In Presence - Building Hope for the Future.

Community Based

Sliding Scale $15 - $30

Open to all

First Sunday of every month

1 hour time slots available

March 3 - from 9am-12pm April 7 - from 9am-12pm May 5 - from 9am-12pm

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com text or call: 845-270-1744

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Inner Development Parent Circle

Inner Development Parent Circle

Creativity, flexibility, steadfastness, loving warmth, peace, and equilibrium are some of the necessary soul-spiritual capacities that require strengthening in our roles as parents and caregivers. In our community circle, we will work with practices that support the development of these capacities and share in the experiences of growing together alongside our children. Please join us!

begins Tuesday March 12th from 1:15pm-2:30pm at Mettabee Farm with Ms. Meaghan

All are welcome

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Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

Supported Rest for Parents and Caregivers

This is a monthly opportunity offered as a continuation of this year’ Winter Parent Retreat: Parenting In Presence - Building Hope for the Future.

Community Based

Sliding Scale $15 - $30

Open to all

First Sunday of every month

1 hour time slots available

March 3 - from 9am-12pm April 7 - from 9am-12pm May 5 - from 9am-12pm

held in the workshop at Mettabee Farm

For more information or to sign up email: phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com text or call: 845-270-1744

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Parenting in Presence: Building Hope for the Future

Parenting in Presence: Building Hope for the Future

Restore and reconnect with the spiritual work of raising and caring for children in this time of great turning.

Hosted by the Phoenix Initiative in partnership with EduCareDo and its year long course: Spirit Led Education for a Spirit Led Life. All retreat participants will receive the first lesson in the EduCareDo year long course: Wonder, Positive Social Connection and Virtue by Lisa Romero.

Schedule for the Day | Morning Session | Lunch (provided) | Integration Session | Supported Rest | Closing Session

Cost: $80 (includes lunch) Financial aid available


at METTABEE FARM - 551 Harlemville Rd. Hillsdale NY

Retreat Facilitators

MEAGHAN WITRI (EduCareDo course contributor and Phoenix Initiative Founder and Teacher)

ELSA GOMEZ (Phoenix Initiative Teacher)

CARA STONE (Phoenix Initiative Teacher)

SÉAMUS MAYNARD (EduCareDo course contributor and Phoenix Initiative Teacher)

For more information email: phoenixinitiative@protonmail.com | text or call: 845-270-1744

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